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Spring 2011
Fall 2010
Scheduled speakers for Spring 2010: January 28th: no seminar February 4th: no seminar February 11th: Steve Pollock, Physics Department, University of Colorado, Boulder. - CANCELLED
Title: A research-based approach to transforming an upper-division electricity and magnetism course
Abstract: At most universities, including the University of Colorado, upper-division physics courses are taught using a traditional lecture approach that does not make use of many of the instructional techniques that have been found to improve student learning at the introductory level. We are transforming an upper-division E&M course using principles of active engagement and learning theory, guided by the results of observations, interviews, and analysis of student work at CU and elsewhere. In this informal talk I will outline these reforms – including consensus learning goals, “clicker” questions, tutorials, modified homeworks, and more – as an example of what a transformed upper-division course might look like. We have examined the effectiveness of these reforms relative to traditional courses, based on grades, interviews, and attitudinal and conceptual surveys. Our results suggest that it is valuable to further investigate how physics is taught at the upper-division, and how education research may be applied in this context.
February 18th: Sam McKagan, McKagan Enterprises
Title: Embodied Learning Activities: Using the body symbolically to solve a physics problem
I will present a video analysis of a pedagogical technique called an Embodied Learning Activity (ELA), in which students use their bodies symbolically to solve a physics problem. Our claim is that ELAs uniquely promote scientific reasoning. Using the body provides affordances for grappling with deep issues in ways that other instructional techniques do not. This claim is based on our video analysis, and on a theoretical framework grounded in Lakoff and Johnson’s work on embodied cognition and Ochs’ work on indeterminate grammatical constructions.
February 22nd: (SPECIAL TIME AND DAY): Andre Rupp, Department of Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation, University of Maryland, College Park (1:15-2:45 pm) Link to notes for Andre Rupp's talk on Monday, February 22nd. Title: Developing, Modeling, and Representing Domain-specific Expertise via Epistemic Games: A Measurement Person's View
Abstract: Epistemic games have been promoted as innovative digital tools to promote the development of discipline-specific expertise in a particular domain such as scientific writing or urban planning. The data structures that arise from these games are reasonably complex in that they are of a longitudinal nature, collected from a relatively small number of learners, contain multiple contextual dependencies, arise from highly interactive tasks that require complex performance products, and are used to make inferences about association structures and intra-individual development. Even though many latent-variable methods exist to model individual aspects of such data, there is no single off-the-shelf method available that can be used to analyze these data reliably.
In this presentation, I describe some of the current thinking at the intersection of epistemic game development, evidence-centered design, and diagnostic measurement to characterize some of the modeling challenges that await creative solutions in this area. Moreover, I will discuss our own efforts to analyze the statistical properties of a particular non-parametric method called epistemic network analysis that has been proposed by researchers as a potential mechanism to represent developing expertise.
February 25th: no seminar March 4th: March 11th: Beth Lindsey, Physics Department, Georgetown University Title: Work, Energy, and Systems: Investigating student thinking about energy in the context of mechanics
Abstract: The first law of thermodynamics states that doing work on an otherwise isolated system will cause its energy to change. In order to apply this law correctly, students need to be able to calculate the work done on a deformable system, and then relate the work to the change in energy of the system. I will describe an investigation into student reasoning about work, energy, and systems. Student performance on written questions suggests that traditional instruction is insufficient to help students develop a functional understanding of these concepts. Many difficulties arise that affect students’ ability to reason about the changes in energy of an extended system. The difficulties identified by research have implications for instruction at the introductory level and in subsequent courses. These findings have prompted revisions to existing curriculum1 and guided the development of new tutorials to address many of the difficulties identified by research. Results from two institutions will be presented to provide evidence for the effectiveness of the curriculum.
1 Tutorials in Introductory Physics, L.C. McDermott, P.S. Shaffer and the Physics Education Group at the University of Washington, Prentice Hall (2002).
March 18th: Spring break (no seminar) March 25th: no seminar April 1st: Jessica Watkins, Applied Physics Department, Harvard University Title: Gender, mental rotations, and introductory physics
In this talk we examine an often-cited claim for gender differences in STEM participation: cognitive differences on tests of spatial ability explain achievement differences in physics. We specifically investigate the role of mental rotations in physics achievement and problem-solving, viewing mental rotations as a tool that students can use on physics problems. We first look at student survey results for lower-level introductory students, finding a small, but significant correlation between performance on a mental rotations test and course achievement. In contrast, we find no such relationship for students enrolled in the honors introductory course. To understand the role that mental rotations plays in physics problem-solving, we examine how students use this tool on highly-spatial physics problems in student interviews and find that mental rotation is neither necessary nor sufficient. These results suggest that the robust sex differences on mental rotation tests are of little relevance for achievement in introductory physics.
April 8th: no seminar April 15th: Chauncey Monte-Sano, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Maryland, College Park
Attention to Students’ Historical Thinking: A Window into Teacher Candidates’ Developing Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Disciplinary Understanding
Given students’ pre-conceptions of history as fixed information, attending to students’ historical thinking is foundational to advancing their disciplinary understanding. This article takes a first step in defining the nature of novice teachers’ attention to students’ thinking in history and the capacity of novices to attend to their students’ historical thinking. Analysis of methods course assignments, observations of student teaching, and pre and post-assessments of candidates’ disciplinary knowledge led to the construction of three cases of new teachers attending to students’ thinking. The one novice who attended to her students’ disciplinary thinking translated her disciplinary knowledge into lessons that involved analysis of text in developing interpretations. Her classroom attentions directed students to provide evidence from historical artifacts to support their conclusions and to consider author perspectives. New teachers’ proficiency in attending highlights the importance of teachers’ disciplinary understanding and pedagogical content knowledge in cultivating students’ disciplinary thinking.
April 22nd: Andrew Brantlinger, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Maryland, College Park
Alternative Certification and Mathematics Education in Inner City Middle and High Schools
The New York City Teaching Fellows (NYCTF) was started in 2000 to address “the most severe teacher shortage in New York's public school system in decades” (NYCTF, 2008, p. 1). From 2004-2008, NYCTF was the largest alternative route to teacher certification program in the U.S. During that time period, NYCTF supplied two-thirds of new middle and high school mathematics teachers in the New York City Public School System. In this talk I present the results of a case study of a first-year mathematics Teaching Fellow. I focus on her family and educational background, her beliefs as a novice teacher, preparation to teach mathematics, and first year experience teaching middle school mathematics in New York City (NYC). I situate the case study using results from a larger observational and survey study of hundreds of novice mathematics Teaching Fellows.
April 29th: Eric Anderson, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Living Physics at UMBC
Future biologists and physicians increasingly need to be comfortable with the concepts and tools of physics. To that end, we have created the Living Physics Project, part of the NIH-funded Interdisciplinary Quantitative Bioscience Program at UMBC. Guided by the program’s overall goals to enhance students’ quantitative skills and to increase the biological relevancy of supporting courses in the biology curriculum, we are working with a group of biology faculty and students to reform our algebra-based introductory physics sequence. We’ll discuss new goals that we’ve set for our students, examples of new curricular materials, initial responses, and future directions.
Fall 2009 PERG Seminar
October 28th: Cindy Hmelo-Silver, Department of Educational Psychology, Rutgers UniversitySpecial Time: 1:20-2:50Special Location: 2212B, Benjamin BuildingTitle: Collaborative Knowledge Building in Problem-based LearningAbstract .Problem-based learning (PBL) is an instructional method in which students learn collaboratively through solving problems and reflecting on their experience. Such collaborative learning settings provide opportunities for knowledge building as groups work to improve their collective ideas. This presentation describes a detailed analysis of a problem-based learning group. For knowledge building to occur in the classroom, the teacher needs to create opportunities for constructive discourse in order to support student learning and collective knowledge building. The setting for this study is a group of second-year medical students working with an expert facilitator. The analysis was designed to understand how the facilitator provided opportunities for knowledge-building discourse and how the learners accomplished collective knowledge building. Analyses examined episodes of knowledge-building discourse, the questions and statements that the students and facilitator generated throughout the tutorial, the change in their understanding of the problem that they were solving, and the collective knowledge that was constructed. The results indicate that the group worked to progressively improve their ideas through engaging in knowledge-building discourse. The facilitator helped support knowledge building through asking open-ended metacognitive questions and catalyzing group progress. Students took responsibility for advancing the group’s understanding as they asked many high-level questions and built on each others thinking to construct collaborative explanations. The results of this study provide suggestions for orchestrating knowledge-building discourse.
November 4th: no seminar
November 11th: Kathy Perkins, Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder Time: 4:00-5:15Location: 1304, Physics BuildingTitle: Examining the nature and role of implicit scaffolding in PhET simulations
The PhET Interactive Simulations team has created over 85 interactive simulations for learning physics and other sciences. These simulations provide flexible learning environments where students can learn through scientist-like exploration. They emphasize the connections between real life phenomena and the underlying science, make the invisible visible (e.g. electrons, photons, field vectors), and include the visual models that experts use to aid their thinking. In this seminar, we will examine the nature and role of implicit scaffolding within the PhET sims. Through several recent and current PhET research studies, we are examining how students learn through interaction with the simulations, how the type of guidance influences that learning process, and how various design features and the complexity of the simulation enhance or deter students' “engaged exploration” of the simulations. Fall 2009 PERG Research Meetings
September 20: Brian Danielak & the Engineering Ed. Group -- The Role of Emotion and Affect in Engineers' Mathematical SenseMaking (abstract) (supporting materials). We will continue looking at the data that we started with last week at the SciEd Seminar - now exploring how Wanda engages in problem solving. October 5: Ayush Gupta & the Engineering Ed. Group -- The Role of Affect and Identity in Engineers' Mathematical SenseMaking October 19: Luke Conlin -- Modeling Cognition at Multiple Scales (paper being submitted to ICLS by Conlin, Gupta, & Hammer) November 2: Open November 16: Ben Dreyfus: "Reactive Intermediates" in Students' Changing Mental Models: The Cause of Seasons November 30: Discussion of grant proposals; read Joe Redish's and David Hammer's sample proposal to prepare. December 14: Beth Lindsey (Georgetown University) - Title: "Energy in mechanics and in thermodynamics: Data in search of a deeper story"
I will be presenting two pieces of related data that I find interesting at a surface level. I am trying to decide if these data are only interesting on that surface level, or if they could be used to tell a deeper story. Both center on what I would describe loosely as "student ability to apply the first law of thermodynamics". The first data set consists of student responses, from both UW and Georgetown, to a written/web-based pre-test on the first law of thermodynamics. Questions that were asked build both on the work of Mike Loverude[1], and on work that I had done as part of my dissertation at UW. The second data set is a few minutes of video of Georgetown students working through the UW tutorial on the First Law of Thermodynamics. As I have not done much video analysis on my own, I look forward to your insights into the usefulness (or lack thereof) of this video.
[1] Michael E. Loverude, Christian H. Kautz, and Paula R. L. Heron. “Student understanding of the first law of thermodynamics: Relating work to the adiabatic compression of an ideal gas.” Am. J. Phys., 70, 137 – 148 (2002).
Spring 2009 PERG Seminar
February 5: Chandralekha Singh, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh
Improving Teaching and Learning of Quantum Mechanics
We are investigating the difficulties that students have in learning quantum mechanics. Our investigation includes interviews with individual students and the development and administration of free-response and multiple-choice questions. To help improve student understanding of quantum concepts, we are designing quantum interactive learning tutorials (QuILTs) and clicker questions. We will discuss the implication of this research and development project on improving student understanding.
March 5: Megan Bang, TERC, Cambridge, MA
Investigating Relational Epistemologies: Improving Science Education in Native American Communities
This talk will explore meanings and cognitive implications of relational epistemologies, their cognitive consequences and implications for science education. To unpack what relational epistemologies mean at various grain sizes we have examined community-based practices involving the natural world across three communities (2 Native and 1 non-Native) and conducted a series of mini cognitive studies. Our analysis focuses on understanding the relational distance of children's reasoning in community based ways of knowing and in understanding knowledge organization and the impacts on reasoning. We have found relationships between the structure of practices and participants tendency to focus on relational understandings, their narrative structures, and the construal of the relational distance of the natural world within everyday practices. Building on these findings we have been designing and implementing science learning environments in two Native communities through a community based design process.Through our design studies we have found significant shifts in students epistemological stances towards science and science education.
March 26: Randi Engle, Graduate School of Education, UC-Berkeley
Could the Framing of Learning Contexts Play a Causal Role in Transfer? Initial Evidence from a Tutoring Experiment The core of my developing situative theory of transfer is the idea that it is not just the content what students learn that matters for transfer, but also how learning contexts themselves are framed (Engle, 2006; extending Tannen, 1993; Hymes, 1972). In particular, I predict that teachers can promote transfer by framing learning contexts in anexpansive manner in which settings are broadly defined across time, places, and people; topics are presumed to be parts of larger bodies knowledge; and students are positioned as authors whose own ideas are at the center of activity. This contrasts with a bounded framing in which settings are narrowly defined; the sole focus is the topic being learned; and students are positioned as peripheral reporters of other people’s ideas. To test this hypothesis my research group and I are conducting a tutoring experiment about human body systems in which we manipulate framing as expansive versus bounded while controlling for content-based mechanisms of transfer. In this talk, I will describe the design of the experiment; present initial findings about the transfer of facts, principles, and learning practices; and solicit your advice about next steps.
April 2: Eric Brewe, Science Education, Florida International University
Threading Energy Throughout the Introductory Physics Curriculum
The Energy Thread is an approach to the organization and structure of introductory physics, which aims to provide students with powerful tools for reasoning about physical phenomena and balances the treatment of force and energy concepts. In this talk I will present motivations for the curricular reorganization and restructuring, compare an Energy Threaded curriculum with standard curriculum and present results of a problem solving research project. These results support the view that energy concepts are essential for development of an expert-like understanding of introductory physics
April 9th: [Elizabeth Spelke @ Cognitive Science Seminar] April 23rd: Anna Sfard, Division of Science and Mathematics Education, University of Haifa, Israel May 7th: Paula Heron, Department of Physics, University of Washington
EVENT: Science Education SeminarDate: Monday, September 14, 2009 Venue: Toll Physics Building Room 4208 Time: 1:15-2:45 Who: All are welcome and everyone from Science Education and PERG are especially encouraged to attend Speakers: Brian Danielak, Ayush Gupta, Andy Elby & the Engineering Education Group Topic: The Role of Emotion and Affect in Engineers' Mathematical SenseMaking Website: http://umdscienceedseminar.pbworks.com/
EVENT: PERG Crab FeastDate: 29 Saturday 2009 Venue: Mike's Crab House, 3030 Riva Rd, Riva MD 21140 Time: 5:30 pm Who: All people associated with the PERG group, including their children, spouses, and significant others Contact for more information: Renee Michelle Goertzen
TIME CHANGE: Thesis defense for Brian Frank- Friday 8/07/09Speaker: Brian Frank Date: 7 August 2009 Time: 12 pm - 2 pm (not 3pm - 5pm) Venue: 1305A Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: The dynamics of variability in introductory physics students' thinking: examples from kinematics
EVENT: Thesis defense for Brian Frank- Friday 8/07/09Speaker: Brian Frank Date: 7 August 2009 Time: 3 pm - 5 pm Venue: 1305A Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: The dynamics of variability in introductory physics students' thinking: examples from kinematics EVENT: Thesis defense for Tim McCaskey - Thursday 8/06/09Speaker: Tim McCaksey Date: 6 August 2009 Time: 1 pm - 3 pm Venue: 1305A Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Comparing and contrasting different methods for probing student epistemology and epistemological development in introductory physics Additional Info: There will be a reception for Tim immediately after the defenese. All attendees are welcome to join us.
EVENT: PERG Group Meeting - Monday 7/20/09Speaker: Mike Hull Date: 20 July 2009 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1305A Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Undergraduate Engineering Students' Mathematical Sense-making Abstract: Practice for PERC poster presentation
EVENT: PERG Group Meeting - Monday 6/29/09Speaker: Tiffany Sikorski Date: 29 June 2009 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1305A Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Progress in coherence seeking--what does it look like and how do we find it? Abstract: In a paper we just submitted to a learning progressions conference, David, Victoria (SDSU) and I define progress in inquiry as "more stable engagement in inquiry practices over a wider variety of contexts." I'd like to lead an informal, data-centered discussion about the some of the empirical (and theoretical) challenges of this definition of progress, using coherence seeking as an example. Note: Participation in this discussion will require temporarily pretending that coherence seeking is an established inquiry practice.
EVENT: PERG Group Meeting - Monday 6/22/09Speaker: Saalih Allie Date: 22 June 2009 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1305A Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Saalih would discuss some of the current ideas that his group is pursuing.
EVENT: PERG Group Meeting - Monday 6/8/09Speaker: Renee Michelle Goertzen Date: 8 June 2009 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1304 Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: How do tutorial TAs set the tone? Abstract: Tutorial students learn how to "do tutorial" primarily from the explicit and implicit messages that they get from their TAs. These messages are most clearly evident in the first few weeks of the semester, as students and TAs negotiate their expectations regarding what kinds of answers are acceptable, who leads the conversation, and what the TA's and students' roles are during their conversations. We present a case study of a TA's interaction with a group of students during the first three weeks of the semester as they "set the tone" by communicating and negotiating their expectations.
EVENT: SPECIAL SCIENCE SEMINAR - TUES 5/26/09 10 AM, 2212 BENJAMINSpeaker: Leema Berland, UT Austin Title: A detailed discourse analysis of norms and epistemological resources influencing how one class engaged in scientific argumentation
EVENT: PERG Group Meeting - 5/11/09Speaker: Joe Redish Date: 11 May 2009 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1304 Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Ontology of epistemology or, "Daddy, what's an epistemological resource?" Abstract: One of the most important contributions of the resource framework to education research is the concept of an "epistemological resource". This was introduced by Elby and Hammer in a series of important papers ([1][2][3]). They suggest that one's judgment as to whether one knows something is structured and dynamic. I will propose a way to see epistemological resources as fitting in to an overall theoretical framework and propose some levels of structure that I have found useful in thinking about the development of expertise in physics problem solving. These include "epistemological framing" and "epistemic warrants." Discourse data from upper division and graduate physics will be presented in the hope of generating a discussion. The key methodological issue to be discussed is, "What kind of data is needed to support proposing a new structure?"
[1] Elby & Hammer (2001), "On the substance of a sophisticated epistemology" [2] Hammer & Elby (2002), "On the form of a personal epistemology" [3] Hammer & Elby (2003), "Tapping students' epistemological resources"
EVENT: Science Education Seminar - Monday, 5/4/09Speaker: Luke Conlin Date: 4 May 2009 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 2101 Benjamin Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Fantasy, Play, and Humor in Scientific Inquiry Abstract: Inquiry in science involves both generative and reductive aspects. There must be space for ideas to be generated, introduced, and developed. Alternately, ideas must be challenged, critiqued, and selected. How do students navigate this sensitive balance when doing inquiry in the science classroom? I suggest they often do so using fantasy, play, and humor. In this talk, I will discuss theories of play and humor that speak to the epistemological roles they can take on. I will also show video clips of students using fantasy, play, and humor in ways that contribute to the generative and reductive aspects of scientific inquiry. Then I will conclude by naming all 50 state capitals in less than 2 seconds.
EVENT: PERG Group Meeting - 4/27/09Speaker: Renee Michelle + Anyone who choosed to participate! Date: 27 April 2009 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1304 Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Literature Review Abstract: I'd like to present a topic or two from my thesis work and solicit input from the group on what my lit review should contain.EVENT: Science Education Program Seminar -04/06/09Speaker: Colleen Gillespie and Jen Richards Date: 6 April 2009 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 2101, Benjamin Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Understanding How and When Novice Teachers Attend to Student Thinking In our presentation, we offer a case study of one novice science teacher in order to explore how and when novice teachers attend to student thinking. We focus primarily on two classroom observations and subsequent interviews with the novice teacher, Alex, in which we see stark differences in how (and even if) Alex attends to his own students' ideas and reasoning in the classroom. Drawing on the theoretical framework of "framing," we consider the different ways in which Alex may be framing the kinds of activities in which he is engaged, and we propose that his framing may influence how and when he attends to student thinking in his teaching.
EVENT: NACS Seminar - Silvia Bunge 3/27/09Speaker: Silvia Bunge Title: Neurodevelopment of reasoning ability Time and Location: 10:15, 1103 Biosciences Research Building Seminar Website: http://www.nacs.umd.edu/news/seminars.cfmAbstract: The capacity to reason with complex information and to solve novel problems, often referred to as fluid reasoning, is a central characteristic of human cognition. During childhood, the emerging capacity to reason supports learning across multiple domains. Understanding this most complex of human abilities provides a daunting but compelling challenge. Brain imaging studies in adults have gained some traction on this problem by examining the neural underpinnings of a key component of fluid reasoning: relational integration, or the ability to jointly consider multiple relations between mental representations. I will provide an overview of research in my laboratory focusing on the neural substrates of relational integration in adults, as well as the changes in brain structure and function that support its development over childhood and adolescence.
EVENT: Bag lunch seminar by Dave Pritchard 3/25/09Visitor: Dave Pritchard, MIT Bag lunch seminar: Room 1305A Dave will give an informal presentation of his current research in physics education. Host: Joe Redish
EVENT: Science Education Program Seminar -03/23/09Speaker: Anyone who chooses to participate! Date: 23 March 2009 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 2101, Benjamin Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Dr. Phil Piety--Educational Systems Information Scientist at the American Institutes for Research.
Classroom Practices and Boundary Practices: Looking at Alignment and Cohesion for Middle School Science Assessment
This paper focuses on middle school science assessment: a topic becoming increasingly important for accountability. It is part of a larger qualitative study into science assessment practices in a single Midwest state that collected evidence from individual schools, the state testing office, and several organizations in between. Comparing evidence of assessment practices for science teachers with boundary practices of the annual accountability test (meetings, school reviews, etc.), this paper explores the potential for interoperability between these two ways of accounting for student learning. This perspective is relevant for designing assessment systems where the needs of accountability must be reconciled with the requirements of local classroom discourse. This information is useful for either a two-level (ex: formative/summative) or multi-leveled (ex: interim/district instruments) assessment program.
Oraganized by: Dan Levin & Mike Stieff, EDCI EVENT: Special Seminar: Leslie Atkins 3/20/09Visitor: Leslie Atkins Date: March 20, 2009 Time: 12:00-1:30 p.m. Venue: 2121, Benjamin Building Topic: Justifying scientific claims: Metarules of argument Host: David Hammer EVENT: Sightseeing with Visiting Scholar from Japan - 3/14/09Visitor: Jun-Ichiro Yasuda, Center for the Studies of Higher Education, Nagoya University We will be sight-seeing around downtown DC, visiting monuments and/ or museums. Anyone interested in physics education in Japan is welcome to join! Host: Mike Hull
EVENT: Seminar by Jun-Ichiro Yasuda 3/9/09Title: The Change of Physics Students through Participation in Teaching Development Activities Time and Place: 4:00 1305A Physics Abstract: The education committee by the students (ECS) was established by several students in April, 2003, with the aim of improving education in the physics department of Nagoya University. This committee was established voluntarily by the students without request from faculty members. As voluntary activity, the students of ECS plan and manage events to develop the academic ability of the students in the physics department. The purpose of this research is to assess the effect on students as a result of spontaneous participation in teaching development activities. At first, we propose the assumption that students will become independent learners through the activities. To verify the assumption, we interviewed the 11 member of ECS with semi open-ended questions. We learned that such a program needs more than three years for students to become aware of becoming independent learners through participating in ECS activities. The developments of the students through activities are classified as three processes: developing the ability to put things in perspective, developing the ability to plan and manage the events, becoming independent learners.
EVENT: Visiting Scholars from Japan - 3/9/09-3/13/09Visitors: Jun-Ichiro Yasuda and Masa-Aki Tanguchi, Center for the Studies of Higher Education, Nagoya University Host: Joe Redish
EVENT: Science Teaching Center Seminar - 3/9/09Speaker: Jason Yip Date: 9 March 2009 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 2101, Benjamin Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Connected Chemistry Organized by: Dan Levin & Mike Stieff, EDCI. EVENT: NACS Seminar - Michael Merzenich 2/13/09Speaker: Michael Merzenich Title: Brain Plasticity-Based Therapeutics Time and Location: 10:15, 1103 Biosciences Research Building Seminar Website: http://www.nacs.umd.edu/news/seminars.cfm EVENT: Visiting Scholar from Japan - 2/17/09-2/20/09Visitor: Dr. Naohiro Mae, Department of Physics, Ristumeikan University, Kyoto Host: Mike Hull
EVENT: Michael Wittmann visiting - 2/17/09Speaker: Michael Wittmann, University of Maine Date: 17 February 2009 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1304, Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Process-object Reification
EVENT: Science Teaching Center Seminar - 2/9/09Speaker: Luke Conlin Date: 26 January 2009 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 2102, Benjamin Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Causal semantics of physics equations Oraganized by: Dan Levin & Mike Stieff, EDCI.
EVENT: PERG Research Meeting - 2/2/09Speaker: Renee Michelle Goertzen Date: 2 February 2009 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1304, Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Practice AAPT talk and poster
EVENT: PERG Research Meeting - 12/15Speaker: Brian Danielak Date: 15 Dec. 2008 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1304, Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: TBA Oraganized by: UMDPERG.
EVENT: Science Education Program Seminar - 12/08Speaker: Kitty Tang Date: 8 Dec. 2008 Time: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Venue: 2102, Benjamin Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: TBA Oraganized by: Dan Levin & Mike Stieff, EDCI.EVENT: PERG Research Meeting - 12/01Speaker: Luke Conlin Date: 1 Dec. 2008 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1304, Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: TBA Oraganized by: UMDPERG.
EVENT: Science Education Program Seminar - 11/24Speaker: Randy McGinnis Date: 24 Nov. 2008 Time: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Venue: 2102, Benjamin Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: TBA Oraganized by: Dan Levin & Mike Stieff, EDCI.
EVENT: PERG Seminar - 11/19Speaker: Linda B. Smith Date: 19 Nov. 2008 Time: 3:30 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Venue: 4220 Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Thinking and learning close to the sensory-motor surface creates knowledge that transcends the here-and-now Organized by: UMD-PERG
EVENT: PERG Research Meeting - 11/17Speaker: Amanda Woodward Date: 17 Nov. 2008 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1304 Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: TBA Organized by: UMD-PERG
EVENT: Science Education Program Seminar - 11/10Speaker: Kelly Schalk Date: 10 Nov. 2008 Time: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Venue: 2102, Benjamin Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: A Case Study on an Undergraduate Student Interest Socio-Scientific Issues Based Curriculum Intervention Oraganized by: Dan Levin & Mike Stieff, EDCI.
EVENT: PERG Research Meeting - 11/03Speaker: Heather Dobbins, Joe Redish, Todd Cooke Date: 3 Nov. 2008 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1304 Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Physics for Biologists: Ongoing work + Grant Proposal Organized by: UMD-PERG
EVENT: Science Education Program Seminar - 10/27Speaker: David Hammer Date: 27 Oct. 2008 Time: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Venue: 2102, Benjamin Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: TBA Oraganized by: Dan Levin & Mike Stieff, EDCI.
EVENT: PERG Research Meeting - 10/20Speaker: Ayush Date: 20 Oct. 2008 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1304 Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: On going work: "Student difficulties with equations in physics" Organized by: UMD-PERG EVENT: Science Education Program Seminar - 10/13Speaker: Anyone who chooses to participate! Date: 13 Oct. 2008 Time: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Venue: 2102, Benjamin Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Reading article on conceptual change - Chinn & Samarapungvan Oraganized by: Dan Levin & Mike Stieff, EDCI. EVENT: PERG Research Meeting - 10/06Speaker: Renee Michelle Goertzen Date: 6 Oct. 2008 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1304 Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: TA Buy-in Organized by: UMD-PERG EVENT: Science Education Program Seminar - 09/29Speaker: Stieff Group Date: 15 Sept. 2008 Time: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Venue: 2102, Benjamin Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: TBA Oraganized by: Dan Levin & Mike Stieff, EDCI.
EVENT: PERG Research Meeting - 09/22 - CANCELLED! Speaker: Brian Frank Date: 22 Sept. 2008 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1304 Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Practice Job Talk Organized by: UMD-PERG EVENT: Science Education Program Seminar - 09/15Speaker: Dan Levin Date: 15 Sept. 2008 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: TBA Who: Open to everyone Topic: TBA Oraganized by: Dan Levin & Mike Stieff, EDCI.
EVENT: Cognitive Science Colloquim - 09/11Speaker: Randy Gallistel Date: 11 Sept. 2008 Time: 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Venue: 1103 Bioscience Research Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: TBA Organized by: UMD-Cog. Sci. Colloquim Committee.
EVENT: PERG Research Meeting - 09/08 - CANCELLEDSpeaker: CANCELLED Date: 8 Sept. 2008 Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Venue: 1304 Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: TBA Organized by: UMD-PERG
EVENT: PERG Research Meeting - 08/11Speaker: Ayush Date: 11 Aug, 2008 Time: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Venue: 1219 Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Graduate Student Interview on Heat Posted by: Ayush
EVENT: PERG Research Meeting - 07/28Speaker: Everyone Date: 28 July, 2008 Time: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Venue: 1219 Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Topic: Conversations around: ICLS, AAPT, PERC - what we saw, conquered, learned, or did not! Posted by: Ayush
EVENT: PERG Research Meeting - 07/14Speaker: Talk (Ayush) + Poster Session (Renee Michelle, Brian, and Ayush) Date: 14 July, 2008 Time: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Venue: 1219 Physics Building Who: Open to everyone Posted by: Ayush
EVENT: Intro Physics for Biology Students Coordinating Committee Meeting - 07/10Organized by: Todd Cooke, Heather Dobbins, Joe Redish Date: 10 July 2008 Time: 12:30-2:30 p.m. Location: 1305A Physics Building *Lunch provided Posted by: Heather
EVENT: Dissertation Defense - Tom BingSpeaker: Tom Bing Date: 8 July, 2008 Time: 10:00 a.m. Venue: 4316, Physics Building Posted by: Ayush
EVENT: PERG Research Meeting - 07/07Speaker: Tom Bing and Renee Michelle Goertzen Date: 7 July, 2008 Time: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Venue: 1219 Physics Building Posted by: Ayush
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