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Seminars and Meetings

Page history last edited by Ayush Gupta 14 years, 1 month ago

There are several regular meetings that are attended by PERG folks.  Here they are:


PERG Seminar

When: Select Wednesdays@2:00pm throughout the Fall '10 Semester

Where: Toll Physics Building, Room 1303

Organizer: Eric Kuo


PERG research meetings

When: 10:00-11:30am the third Wednesday of the month for the Fall 10 semester

Where: Toll Physics Building, Room 1303

Organizer: Ayush Gupta (ayush@umd.edu)


Science Education Research Seminar

When: 10:00-11:30 am the first Thursday of the month for the Fall 10 semester

Where: Toll Physics Building, Room 1303

Organizer: Luke Conlin (email Luke)


Fall 2010 Reading Group

When: 12:00-1:30pm on Tuesdays

Where: Toll Physics Building, Room 1303

Organizer: Ayush Gupta (ayush@umd.edu)


Coming Soon to this page...a calendar.

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